WE ARE FAJAS ISYS a 100% Mexican Company that Distributes, Designs and Manufactures High Quality Girdles. Among his achievements is being a Leader in Modular Plaster therapy in Mexico. OUR SERVICE:In our service we believe the client is the most important thing, so our service consists of being fast, being helpful and concrete.
CUSTOMIZATION: We offer a personal and warm attention. Our garments models are adaptable to your figure, so your suggestions and needs are taken into account.
PLATFORMS: For your ease of contacting us we are present in the main sales platforms so we can offer you different methods of purchase, payment and shipping, giving you GUARANTEE and SECURITY throughout the process. Not forgetting that technology brings us closer, but the personal attention that we accustom to unites us.
Closer, faster and cheaper: In these times we think about your economy so we have lowered our prices in DIRECT PURCHASE. Every time you decide to buy directly with us and without intermediaries, the price will be lower because the expenses and commissions are applied directly to the benefit of the END CUSTOMER
PARTNERS: Would you like to be our Commercial Partner? Get a Generous Extra Income by testing and publicizing the benefits of Girdles Isys
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Obtén un Generoso Ingreso Extra probando y dando a conocer los beneficios de Fajas Isys.